Palle Karunakar Reddy S/O Palle Narsimha Reddy Born on 1985 from Telangana , hyderabad he is the founder of SURAKSHAA INFRA PROJECTS He started his career in the real estate business. as Investor with several companies with the idea of leading people towards with good investment . experiences, education and achievements have led him to where he is today: the founder of a highly successful and forward-thinking real estate firm. attributes his success to incredibly hard work, his strong focus on relationships, and his continuous commitment to exceptional customer service. He is the definition of a dedicated professional, and believes in the necessity of a strong work ethic, in providing a concierge level of service to every client, and in being available when his clients need him. the value of building relationships with Associates and Customers and providing exceptional service. an opportunity, to start his own high-end valet and concierge service for people.